Do you Look Forward to Seeing your Dentist?


Beating Dental Anxiety

When you think about seeing the dentist, do you feel a sense of peace – even anticipation? We would guess not. More than three-quarters of Americans believe exactly the opposite. If they could, they would put off having someone poking around in their mouth forever. We understand the reality of dental anxiety, and we put a lot of effort into making every visit in our office one that is filled with fun, friendliness, and gentleness. If that doesn’t change your mind about seeing the dentist, these ideas might!

Choose a Caring Dentist

Your dentist has the best intentions. Dental professionals are not drawn to their field because they like to see people in pain. On the contrary, it takes lots of passion for following a career path in which most of those you serve would rather not see you! We love what we do, and we enjoy working with patients to prevent painful situations.

Choose a Quality Dentist

One bad apple doesn’t spoil the bunch. Have you ever heard a friend or loved one recount a bad experience with a dentist? Maybe you are the story-teller who has let one bad dental experience emotionally scar your attitude towards all dentists. Don’t let that be the case. Give a new dentist the chance to earn your trust. We welcome your questions and are happy to get to know you.

Choose a Family Dentist

“Just call out my name.” You have to be of a particular generation to know the lyrics of the classic James Taylor song, but age isn’t a requirement to understand what we mean. When you need care for a painful dental problem or emergency, you want it fast, and you want it from someone you trust. The stress of a dental problem is exacerbated when you do not have a family dentist, so we encourage you to choose one. Doing so might just help you avoid the need for urgent care in the future.

Drs. Gill and Kenson are excited to meet new patients, and to call existing patients family. Learn more about our staff and services during your visit. Call (303) 277-9600.

Request an Appointment

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Please include non-medical questions and correspondence only.


Visit Us in Golden, CO

Mon 7am – 3:30pm
Tue 7am – 5pm
Wed 7am – 5pm
Thu 7am – 4pm
Fri 7am – 3pm

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You'll hear from us within a day to confirm your appointment. To finalize a new patient appointment, we require a credit card on file and any info needed for dental benefits verification. If you don't find a suitable time online, reach out to us directly via phone, text, or email for more options.


If you haven't visited us in the past two years, schedule a New Patient Appointment; otherwise, call to book an existing patient appointment.


For emergencies, call us directly for the soonest appointment.

You'll hear from us within a day to confirm your appointment. To finalize a new patient appointment, we require a credit card on file and any info needed for dental benefits verification. If you don't find a suitable time online, reach out to us directly via phone, text, or email for more options.


If you haven't visited us in the past two years, schedule a New Patient Appointment; otherwise, call to book an existing patient appointment.


For emergencies, call us directly for the soonest appointment.

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