Porcelain Veneers have many Benefits for Patients Seeking Cosmetic Alterations to the Smile

Veneers Denver CO |Imperfections such as broken teeth, gaps between teeth, or even misaligned smiles are a common problem for patients in and around the area of Golden, CO. Drs. Nancy E. Gill and Dallas D. Kenson are committed to helping men and women address these problems with a fast and affordable solution called porcelain veneers.

What Are Porcelain Veneers?

Patients may not be familiar with how porcelain veneers work. These restorations are essentially ceramic facings that are fabricated specifically for the patient to bond onto the front of the teeth and cover problem areas. These facings are made of ceramic because this material closely resembles natural tooth enamel. Additionally, it is strong and readily available for dentists to utilize in restoring the smile.

Veneer Placement

Porcelain veneers are put in place after they have been fabricated from a dental ceramist. These restorations are created after preparation of the natural tooth which may include filing down the existing enamel before taking impressions for the laboratory. Patients return to the office for the final bonding of their veneer in place.

Benefits of Porcelain Veneers

There are several reasons why patients who visit our Golden, Colorado area practice may ask about using porcelain veneers to enhance the smile. Porcelain veneers are:

  • Affordable
  • Fast
  • Effective
  • Natural-looking
  • Long-lasting
  • Easy to care for

Who Is A Good Candidate For Porcelain Veneers?

Most patients are appropriate candidates for porcelain veneers. These restorations work best on the teeth near the front of the smile, such as the anterior teeth or the “social six.” Other teeth are better covered with restorations such as dental crowns instead to properly withstand chewing and biting forces. Both are great options for patients to consider when covering imperfections.

Schedule a Consultation

Drs. Nancy E. Gill and Dallas D. Kenson encourage you to book a consultation appointment at the office located at 1218 Arapahoe Street. Call (303) 277-9600 today!

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Visit Us in Golden, CO

Mon 7am – 3:30pm
Tue 7am – 5pm
Wed 7am – 5pm
Thu 7am – 4pm
Fri 7am – 3pm

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You'll hear from us within a day to confirm your appointment. To finalize a new patient appointment, we require a credit card on file and any info needed for dental benefits verification. If you don't find a suitable time online, reach out to us directly via phone, text, or email for more options.


If you haven't visited us in the past two years, schedule a New Patient Appointment; otherwise, call to book an existing patient appointment.


For emergencies, call us directly for the soonest appointment.

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